Catholic Identity
“Nativity Catholic School teaches as Jesus did with faith, integrity and life-long learning”, is not only the school’s mission statement, but exemplified every day through the faculty, staff and students. The mission is clearly shown in every office, classroom, and lobby; read every morning during the school announcements; and included in every communication the children and parent’s receive. The teachers “teach as Jesus did”, and recognize students every month who demonstrate the Virtues of the month.
We infuse Christ-centered values into the everyday curriculum of a challenging and demanding academic environment. Whether in 8th grade or Kindergarten, the students have the opportunity to look at people, culture, and movements through the eyes of a child of God.
Sacramental Preparation
The Sacraments are the most important thing we help prepare your children to receive. Along with support from home, instruction for these Sacraments is included during the school day and taught by the teacher. We use Loyola Press for our Religious Education materials.
Weekly School Mass
Each week, our students attend a School Mass. The school community is fostered by students having “prayer buddies” that they attend Mass. Students in grades 3-8 are given the opportunity to participate in the Masses as either Choir members, Altar servers, or Readers. The Priests and Sisters make regular trips to the classroom to discuss the Virtues and answer any questions the children may have.
Daily Prayer
Prayers are integrated throughout our school day. Our day begins with prayer and concludes in prayer. Our students also pray before lunch and in their classroom. Each classroom has its own prayer corner, where the children are welcome to sit and pray. The children are given the opportunity to add prayers for special intentions.
We pray the rosary biweekly.
Confessions are offered throughout the school year.
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross are prayed on Thursdays during Lent. Students in the 7th grade have the opportunity to participate in the Living Stations of the Cross during Holy Week.
Class Prayer Service
During the monthly Monday school-wide fellowship, one grade level presents on the virtue of the month. That class also coordinates a service project for the month that the whole school participates in.